Advise needed

seema purohit (ca finalist) (106 Points)

17 January 2016  

Dear Friends,

I need guidance. I cleared by ca final group 1 after a gap of 5 yrs in first attempt. But had help from my mother who used to care my first born of two years.After that i had another daughter and CA took backsit. NOw when she was 1.5 yr i called my mom to dubai. But she came in september and i didnt plan studies well.I feel i should have taken two subjects. But i was over confident and planned really worse. October i panicked with half ISCA, Only Excise covered and DT heads of income. So i thought may be if i can get exemption in ISCA & DT. But I failed. Now i want to start again. Without any help i can still manage to devote 5-6 HRs a day. Weekend 4 HRs .friday & saturday. But issue is notes. I took Kunal Agarwals ISCA. I m thorough with that. But if i compare it with module, i am not confident it covers everything. After all its not even 180 pgs. Costing i have dani sirs notes which are very old. I am considering taking print of PM & Module and Suggested and do it from there. Taking print also will take two three days given the chapter wise format available online. IDT & DT I took classes from Farukh sir on CA Club. but lectures are outdated. Several mails have been made to ca club & Sir personally. But no response. Now i m appalled how to start studying. I delayed by studies because i had a lucrative job offer. Since i was sitting at home for past 6 yrs it seemed worth it. But now it is gone. So i am back to nothing. NO notes in hand. No plans. Still worried if i can attempt all n fail or should i be smart this time. Because two kids and houseful of 6 people where i am the only one responsible for all takes study plan a back seat many times. Especially when kids get hospitalized. they get cranky when sick. 


I have Few Questions.

1. BEing overseas. I dont have Resources . So Which subject which book. Should i stick to Kunal sir notes with PM & Suggested? IDT & DT?? wait again for one month because they assured me books will b available in jan. or start frm PM, Caselaws & Suggested. Costing..? is my plan of PM, SM & Suggested suffice or should i go through DAni sirs notes.

2. Given 5-6 hrs a day or say 30 hrs a week ..should i try for all papers n repeat same mistake or do i have sufficient time to cover everything again.


3. studyplan. I covered full isca except chapter 7. DIT i almost covered 70 % IDT only excise but i didnt revise properly and it was all waste. costing i have done all chapters in past. but no sufficient practice given the gap and break i took.


Please guide me if you can as i really seem to have lost aim in life.