8 steps to stronger self esteem




The stronger your self esteem, the better your life. Here are eight steps that can help you strengthen your self-esteem.


Step1: Accept yourself. Stop complaining about what you aren’t, and learn to accept what you are.


Step2: Improve your inner self. Internal qualities are more important than external characteristics.


Step3: Tap your inner joy. Do activities you enjoy, just for the pleasure of experience. Do something for others. Cheerfully giving yourself to others produces great inner joy.


Step4: Be positive about yourself. Concentrate on what you can do and not on what you can’t. If you lag behind in something then try to improve it rather than getting depressed.


Step5: Learn to laugh on yourself. Forget about perfection and commit mistakes. One can  learn from mistakes better.


Step6: Take  a chance. The thing people often regret most in life is not taking more risks. Be brave. Step out boldly. To risk is to grow.


Step7: Learn from others. Pick positive role models who have great self esteem and try to learn from them.


Step8: In all the universe, there is only one you. Celebrate your uniqueness! This is your great asset.