75 Life Changing truths written while lying on the grass



1. Whenever you focus obsessively on an outcome, you rarely ever get it.


2. Ultimately, nobody really does care about you more than yourself.

3. It is better to be a child in spirit than in practice.

4. It’s very hard for people to follow others’ advice, even more so their own.

5. A mountain’s worth of effort in addition to patience will get you anything you want

6. Laying on the grass isn’t as bad as I thought it would be – it’s actually quite freeing to do something out of the ordinary.

7. What people think of you matters little compared to what you think of yourself.

8. The stuff that people try to distract you with (their words, their praise, their criticism) – that is noise. Filter that out and find the good parts.

9. Complaining alters nothing (or at the very most, very little). For maximum impact, take measurable action.

10. I’ve found that people don’t like hearing the truth. So post topics  and let ur heart speak. This way I won’t have to argue, plead, or shout to be heard.

11. Television, movies, books, even blogs – they serve as an escape from reality. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take lessons from them to change your own reality.

12. I’m almost certain that I would be happier as an animal than as a human. I’d actually live everyday as if it were my last.

13. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with s*x. Just be smart enough to know when and how to do it.

14. Sometimes, you just need a break from your normal social circle. Don’t be scared to meet new people.

15. If I can create  happiness doing what I love (writing motivational things) then so can you doing what you love. 

16. You don’t need as much as you think you do.

17. Minimalism does not mean to be happy having absolutely nothing. It means being content living frugally and getting the most for your buck.

18. Placating others for them to like you is low-class behavior, let alone manipulative.

19. I could’ve chosen to be miserable and bored, but instead I’ve decided to make myself happy and write. Are you listening? What the experts say is true! Do what you love.

20. Don’t seek approval from other people. Do what you want because you want to.

21. How can you [blank] another if you can’t even [same word] yourself? Nearly any verb will do.

22. Appreciate art. It is created from the raw emotion of the composer.

23. School is only fun from grades Pre-K through 2nd grade. From then on, you have to start breaking the rules to keep from being bored.

24. Learning isn’t really that much fun. It’s just interesting. Applying knowledge > witnessing someone else apply knowledge > reading/learning about it.

25. The greatest pleasures in life are requited love and doing what you love.

26. I used to get scabs all the time. They were the battle scars gained as children waging the war on boredom through play.

27. Story matters.

28. Focus on the ‘why’ rather than on the ‘what’. Life instantly becomes more meaningful.

29. Don’t let inspiration go to waste. Act on it.

30. College focuses too much on memorization and grades than on what you actually need to learn to survive.

31. The teachers who have inspired me are the ones who I will never forget.

32. You don’t have to be the best. Just be better than the average person.

33. Science rules the world. Even emotion is based on science.

34. All emotions are contagious – enthusiasm, depression, anger, you name it.

35. White lies are better than regular lies; at least you’re acknowledging the truth rather than completely disregarding it.

36. 30-day experiments work.

37. Success begets success. Failure begets success. Too much failure begets failure. Inaction begets failure.

38. The jerks in life always get what they want.

39. The happiest people are the ones who get paid to be themselves.

40. Everyone is judgmental. Deal with it. You cannot deny human nature.

41. Cool, calm, and cold; that’s how you carry on business.

42. Certain people will always try and find a way to show your success in a negative light.

43. Where are your balls? The opportunities are right in front of you. Take them.

44. Why do people keep on living when death would be so much easier? Because life is fleeting and death is permanent.

45. Doubt sucks. It serves little purpose other than to keep you from trying something new (okay, and maybe keeping you from getting yourself killed).

46. Public speaking is only scary when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

47. Having superpowers wouldn’t make life that much easier. You’d just have a lot more crap to deal with.

48. (Corollary to #47) With great power comes a lot of people asking you for help.

49. Men and women are actually not that hard to figure out, as opposed to popular belief.

50. No lock is impenetrable. You just need to find the right key.

51. If religion just feels like an extra set of rules to follow, don’t practice it.

52. In fact, if a certain action is more trouble than it’s worth, cease and desist.

53. You can’t choose who or what you’re attracted to. It’s a DNA thing.

54. Being a skeptic of a traditionally-held idea is positively exhilarating.

55. Push your creativity to the breaking point. Your best ideas lie just beyond it.

56. Your reaction to a situation is more important than the situation itself.

57. To be able to change your life, you have to be bold.

58. The world does not reward those with a sense of entitlement.

59. There is no point in fearing the things that cannot possibly kill you.

60. Nobody knows what you’re thinking until you show or tell them.

61. People try new things (good and bad) because they’re bored.

62. Your thoughts come through in your body language; if you’re confident, you stand tall or lean back. If you’ve got low self-esteem you’ll slouch and flinch easily.

63. It’s not worth it traveling to other countries if you’re just going to sight see. Actually, “live” in them.

64. Hesitation, fear, and excuse-making are the things that keep the “right time” from happening.

65. Without respect, no relationship can prevail.

66. Boredom is death within life.

67. Everything starts in the enigmatic properties of your mind. Your perception is everything.

68. You cannot be completely neutral in this world. Pick a side on your own before peer pressure forces you to.

69. You can express yourself in many ways: laughing, living, writing, loving, drawing, blogging, singing, working, cooking, building…

70. People will remember you for what you did more than what you said.

71. There’s a reason everyone demonizes the aging process; youth is the only span of time in which your stamina, body, and mind are at their highest performance.

72. Your problems are not unique. Somebody on this planet is sharing the same pain you are.

73. (Corollary to #72) The same goes for accomplishments and joy.

74. You think you are any different from the people that inspire others? You too have the ability to inspire.

75. Everyone has gifts. It’s up to them to find the value in their own abilities, to find the light underneath their dark, to find the blessing within their curse.