One Hundredth Eighth Batch of the Certificate Course

Internal Audit Standards Board - One Hundredth Eighth Batch of the Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit of Banks, Place: Rourkela Branch at “TT-6,Civil Township, Rourkela-769004 Phone- 09937569211, 9937040199,9437040944 E-mail: icai.rourkela@gmail.com,capawanrkl@gmail.com,yogeshbanka@gmail.com (Date: 4th Oct, 2014, CPEHrs: 36)



Event from : 04 October 2014
Event to : 04 October 2014
Events Venue : Rourkela Branch at “TT-6,Civil Township,Rourkela-769004 Phone- 09937569211, 9937040199,9437040944

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