Live Webcast on Overview and Latest Developments

Request to participate at the Live Webcast on Overview and Latest Developments in the field of ADR Mechanism & Professional Opportunities for CAs from 5.00 P.M to 7.00 P.M on Saturday, 24th January 2015 at Chennai

We are pleased to inform you that the Committee on Economic, Commercial Laws & WTO of ICAI is organizing Live Webcast onOverview and Latest Developments in the field of ADR Mechanism & Professional Opportunities for CAs from 5.00 PM to 7.00 PM on Saturday 24th January 2015.

The objective of webcast is to make the members aware with the Latest developments in the in the field of Alternate Dispute Resolution and Professional opportunities for CAs 

Following are the details of Webcast:

Web link              : http://icaitv.com/?cat=68
Day and Date      : Saturday, 24th January, 2015
Timing                 : 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Topics                  : Overview and Latest Developments in the field of ADR Mechanism & Professional Opportunities for CAs
Speakers             : Shri V.Inbavijayan

The members can login from their Computer/ Laptop/ IPAD/ Mobile for viewing this webcast

Event from : 24 January 2015
Event to : 24 January 2015
Events Venue : Chennai

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