Full day Workshop on Practical Issues in Tax Deduction

Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society


Taxation Committee

Chairman  : CA. Kishor Karia

Co-Chairman : CA. Sanjeev Pandit

Convenors: CA. Anil Doshi, CA. Ganesh Rajgopalan, CA. Jagdish Punjabi 

Course Co-ordinators: CA. Jagdish T. Punjabi & CA. Bhadresh Doshi


Full day Workshop on “Practical Issues in Tax Deduction at Source’’



Taxation Committee is pleased to announce the much awaited full-day workshop on “Practical Issues in Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)”. The importance of TDS provisions cannot be undermined. TDS is a significant source of revenue for the Government. Non-compliance with TDS provisions may invite disallowance of expenditure in addition to applicability of penal provisions. The scope of disallowance provisions have been widened by the last Finance Act.  There are constant changes both in the regulatory as well as the compliance aspects of TDS provisions.


This Workshop is intended to keep you updated with the recent developments in this field. This workshop will also have a Brains Trust session where the eminent Brains Trustees will answer various questions posed to them.  Participants may send their queries, in advance, to the Society to enable the speakers to deal with them.


Details of the Workshop:


Day & Date

Friday, 10th April 2015


9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Navinbhai Thakkar Auditorium, Shraddhanand Road, Near Shiv SagarRestaurant, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400057


Members Rs 1000 + Rs 123 (ST) = Rs. 1,123/-

Non Members Rs 1250 + Rs 155 (ST) = Rs. 1,405/-

The above fee includes Service Tax of 12.36%, contribution of Rs. 50/- to BCAS foundation, cost of study material, breakfast, tea, coffee and lunch.




Keynote address

Overview of TDS

Anil Kumar Singh – CCIT(TDS)

V. K. Pandey – CIT (TDS).

Section 192 and Section 194H

Sonalee Godbole

Chartered Accountant

Section 194C, Section 194-I, Section 194-IA & Section 194J

Gautam Nayak

Chartered Accountant

Section 195

Sushil Lakhani

Chartered Accountant

Brains Trust Session

Pradip Kapasi,Yogesh Thar

and Ameet Patel Chartered Accountants



                                                                                                                  Date :

Enrolment Form

Full day Workshop on “Practical Issues in Tax Deduction at Source”

Name :

Address :

E-mail :

Mobile :

BCAS Membership. No. (If Applicable) :

Tel. (O) :

Tel. (R/M) :

Fax :

Food Preference (Tick any one preference)

Jain :                                            Yes   /     No

Non-Jain :                                   Yes   /     No

Cash/Draft/ Cheque no :

Drawn on :                                                                                                                      Bank

Dated :

Amount Rs.


Signature of Participant




Please fill in the above form appropriately and send the same to the BCAS office along with the requisite payment.


Payment Mode can be: Cheque / Demand Draft / Cash or Electronic Card (at BCAS office only).


Please mention your name and membership number (if applicable) on the reverse side of the cheque/ Demand Draft. Kindly note that the cash counter timings are from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Monday to Friday and 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. The lunch time is 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Participants are requested to co-operate in this regard.


The Cheque/ DD will be in the name of “Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society”. Your participation will be confirmed only after the realisation of payment at BCAS, for which a receipt will be provided for your reference.


Cancellation Policy: Kindly note that no refund will be given in case of cancellation for any reason and no substitute will be allowed, once the enrolment form is submitted.

Event from : 10 April 2015
Event to : 10 April 2015
Events Venue : Navinbhai Thakkar Auditorium, Shraddhanand Road, Near Shiv Sagar Restaurant, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400057

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