Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA): Compliance Strategies & Current Development

5 – 6 September 2013

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Workshop Overview


This workshop will cover in detail the various reporting, due diligence, and withholding requirements that foreign financial institutions, non-financial foreign entities, and withholding agents must follow in order to comply with FATCA.  Furthermore, participants will learn about the status of Intergovernmental Agreements that are being negotiated between the U.S. and various foreign jurisdictions in order to implement FATCA.  Foreign financial institutions will gain the knowledge necessary to navigate FATCA requirements such as entering into an agreement with the IRS and following ongoing certification procedures.    

Key Benefits


· COMPREHEND the Legislative History and Purpose of FATCA

·  LEARN how FATCA affects your business and operations

· GUARANTEE that your financial institution is ready to comply with FATCA reporting and due diligence requirements

· CREATE a framework for understanding how to implement an action plan including policies and procedures that will facilitate compliance with FATCA

· PREPARE your company to be able to comply with its obligations as a withholding agent under FATCA

· UNDERSTAND how FATCA is developing internationally and how various jurisdictions are entering into Intergovernmental Agreements


Our Trainer


·        Over 30 years of experience from in the areas of law as well as tax

·        Certified Tax Specialist by the Florida Bar

·        Served on the Board of Eastern National Bank N.A., Board of Directors of the World Trade Center of Miami, the Beacon Council and theFlorida International Bankers Association

·        Active member of the Inter American Bar Association

·        Partial List of Companies that have benefited: Wells Fargo N.A., Citibank, UOB Bank, Directorate of National Taxes and Customs of Colombia and etc..


Kindly send an email with the title FATCA-U to the email addresses below to request for full agenda.



(+65) 6825 9630



(+65) 6776 2120







Event from : 05 September 2013
Event to : 06 September 2013
Events Venue : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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