Basic Understanding on GIPS

Basic Understanding on GIPS. – 29-08-2016 – CPE Hours: 2 – Organised by: Alternative Investment Funds Services CPE Study Circle for Members in Industry


Date Description From To Faculty Chairman CPE Hrs
Day 1
29-08-2016 Basics on The Global Investment Performance Standards I : 11:30:00 12:30:00 DEVANG KISHORCHANDRA MISTRY
Phone: 9892221821
E-mail: devangm87@gmail.com
Samit Shah 1.00
Day 2
30-08-2016 Basics on The Global Investment Performance Standards II : 11:30:00 12:30:00 DEVANG KISHORCHANDRA MISTRY
Phone: 9892221821
E-mail: devangm87@gmail.com
Vicky Shah 1.00

Event from : 29 August 2016
Event to : 29 August 2016
Events Venue : 603, DLH Park, Goregoan (West), Near MTNL, Mumbai – 400062

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