When you get tough papers in exam hall, do this

Manali banerjee , Last updated: 15 November 2016  

Most of the articles you read every where tends to talk of steps you need to take while preparing for your exams or things to do and avoid after your exams get over. In short, they focus more on what you need to do before and after exams. And I have to concede all of them happen to be great tips, I myself have cleared my exams based on many of them. So kudos! but, very few of them touch upon the things which we need to consider right after we get the question paper. More so, what to do when it happens to be a tough CA paper. Read on.

Guys let's cut through the chase and concede a fact that atleast one of the papers in CA exam will be a tough nut and once you get the paper in your hand your mind will surely get blank, hands starts sweating, heart beat increases and you all of a sudden start to think ' man..ab toh pass karna tough ho jayega" only to find out later on you clear that paper and fail in some other. So here's what you need to do

1. Whenever you go to the exam hall, expect that paper would not be easy more so, at the final level. Now when you do that you save yourself from the tectonic shock you might face in the hall. Expecting the Unexpected will ease you and you will be upbeat for the challenge.

2. If it’s tough for you, it’s tough for others as well. But others will stay blank, flip the pages and won’t do much that they should. Don't be a fool in those 15 minutes find those questions which you can answer. Grade them from best to worst. Friends don't be a mere spectator in the exam hall. WRITE. Because, examiners will give you marks on the basis of what you write not what you think. Let me repeat, please don't be a mere spectator in the exam hall.

3. Keep your eyes on the flying time, start writing your best prepared answer. Once you are half way through your confidence will move up. You don’t have to be Einstein, make sure your 45 marks go well. But let me tell you most of the time when paper is tough marking tends to be liberal. Remember how many of you got unexpected marks in MAY 2016 CA final law paper.

4. When the paper is tough attempt more questions. Yes, guys don’t leave out on any answer. You must be knowing something about the topic. Write it, don’t leave it blank.  Answers need not be perfect, most won’t even be close to perfect. They might not be 'perfect' but 'attempted'. 

5. Being a part of this profession, the pressure on us students are extreme. Only people going through this would know the best. others won’t be able to empathize. Guys a sincere request, after you are done with your exams don’t discuss it with your friends or teachers. My teacher once said "this paper is a cake walk, you could not attempt it"? I felt extremely disheartened with such an apathy on his part but nevertheless, I still respect him and whatever I have achieved surely has his contribution. Most of you won’t have to face it but I did. 

But let's call Spade a Spade. When any of our papers go bad, most of us discuss how bad it went and this discussion used to give us immense satisfaction because we finally get someone who is also in a fix with us :).  It’s a normal human psyche and this phenomenon is usually called 'shared ego’. Jokes apart, once done with your exam and even if it went average don't worry, you are more likely to pass. Because our institute very well knows that the paper would not be easy on students.

To conclude, there is no fix solution or step to every problem you face in life. Its 2016 and the time is of 'DISRUPTION'. Problems will all be same, but how you face it would always be different. Believe me its all in your mind..if you know u can do it, u surely can. Go ahead and let the world be ready to welcome the new breed of CAs.

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Manali banerjee
Category Exams   Report

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