Take Your Resume Seriously

Rashid Mehmood , Last updated: 21 May 2017  

Often, I heard from different candidates we are applying for the job and rarely get interview call, some of them also conclude that this is because of the slow market and jobs are not available. In fact, this is not true, the jobs are available and market is always keep moving on its usual pace. To stay in your job, you need to prove your skills and professionalism but before getting into job you need to show case your skills during the interview and here is one most important question.

WHY you should be interviewed?

And what makes you different from others. Your CV is door to your interview, if you are applying for the jobs regularly and getting interview calls rarely it means your enemy is laying within your resume. In your case, the accountants, situation becomes more complex due to diversified profiles in the field, you as CA are supposed to compete with the cost accountants, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIPFA, CMA, CGA and GCMA etc, so there is a question, why the recruiter should consider your profile by keeping all other aside?

Before, you apply for the job you should know that as per study in HR & Recruitment management a normal recruiter receives 250 CVs on average for one vacant position this means your probability of getting noticed in initial CV screening is only 1/250 i.e. 0.4%, now you need to craft your resume in a fashion that it must shine you out of the rest at the time of initial CV screening process.

Few months ago, during a training session I discussed this issue with Dr. Ali Al Jasim who is Ph.D in Human Resource Management and CEO of UAE’s renowned management consulting firm M/s Blue Ocean. During this discussion, we studied different job markets, various employment scenarios, lot of candidate profiles and recruitment strategies and most important the Recruiter’s attitude towards the candidates. We conclude that the Resume Development has become an art and needs specialized writing, presentation, tabulation and illustration skills. The skills required for resume development are entirely different from the professional expertise in the related field. Most of the professionals write some content & personal details by distributing the text in Objective, Profile summary, Education, Experience (Job descriptions), skills, interests, references and so on, then they call this document a CV which is in fact not a CV but the details and points to be used in resume development. The resume is developed afterwards once you have tabulated the information as described above, the job seekers normally write all this material and without developing resume they think they have drafted their CV which kills their career. Hence, a recruiter receives the most CVs in same pattern and most of them fails to pass 10 Second test, where recruiter decide to keep the CV at his desk or cause it to fill the trash bin.

The resume should be developed by using the statistical ratios to be able to get noticed and frequent interview calls, a professional resume contains 20 ingredients and each ingredient has its own weight and score in the resume, these ingredients are impassioned norm, resume visual, saleable appurtenance, degree of reader’s attraction, linguistic presentation, personal branding, worth to pass 10 second test, goal seeking, academic and professional history, technological skills, competencies, your position at bell curve, leadership, key word theory, career wave, resume stair, broadcasting, intellectuals and general formatting styles.

Total score associated with these ingredients is 100 and what is score of your CV depends on the style and method how did you prepare your resume. The score your CV achieves determines your PDI (Professional Development Index) and it also exhibits your CDI (Career Development Index). your PDI is then multiplied with the statistical probability as explain above to calculate the probability of your CV to get noticed at the time of initial screening, the standard ratio is 1:0.30 e.g. if your CV is poorly crafted and it gets 25 points only then your chance to get noticed is 1:0.10 which is 67% less than the standard ratio, on the other hand if your Cv is developed at minimum professional standards and it secure 70 scores then your probability of getting noticed will be 1:0.28 which means there are 100% certainty of your CV to get shortlisted for the interview calls.   

Now, there is time of interview call, your career wave determines your PGI (Professional Growth Index) and it has significant impact on probability of getting interview call. The formula to calculate the probability of interview is (PGI X Statistical probability ratio)/General Probability X 10 e.g. your Cv is in scenario 1 and your PGI is calculated at 15 then your probability of getting interview will be 37% and in case your CV falls in scenario 2 with the same level of PGI then your probability of getting interview call is 105% i.e. above standard and you will surely get interview call.

The last is probability of getting job offer, here you must note that the maximum probability of getting job for one candidate is 40% based on the other scores his CV can earn during the review or preparation. The probability of getting job offer is calculated by (PGI X Probability of Interview/100)/General Probability. For example, your CV falls in scenario 1 with PGI let’s say 15 then your probability of getting job offer will be (15 X 0.1)/40% i.e. only 3.75% whereas, if your Cv falls in scenario 2 and let’s say the PGI is 15 then your probability of getting job will be (15X1.05)/40% means there are 39.375% chances that you will get the job you have applied.

Here it must be noted that getting job offer is widely depends on your presentation and communication skills that how did you drive the interview and how did you present your skills and prove yourself as most suitable candidate for the position under consideration. Here you need to know the interview skills, the next article will be focused on this subject to master in the interview presentation and skills.

Here, I must say being accounting and fiscal management professional you are expert, and there is no question about your knowledge and skills, but it does not mean you are also skilled in resume development, so you need to kill your enemy may be resting in your resume and profile, so always take the resume development seriously and get mastered in presentation, illustration and tabulation skills, in case you feel that you are good in resume development you should then seek help from professional resume developers and there is nothing wrong to admit the weaknesses and it gives you doors of learning.  

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Published by

Rashid Mehmood
(Group Chief Financial Officer at Al Kaki Hospitality Group Saudi Arabia )
Category Students   Report

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