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Respect your Decisions, Don't Regret Them

CS Dhwani , Last updated: 13 March 2019  

At what age do we start making our own decisions and adapt our life according to it? Well, you will say that it depends on an individual's choice, circumstances and many other factors. We do not realize but we make choices at each and every step of our lives and each choice leads to a decision which has an impact in our life.

It is rightly quoted 'Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they're right in front of your face and they're really difficult, but we must make them'. Situations, choices, circumstances may or may not be in our favor all the times, but we have to be strong enough to take our decisions and apply the same in our lives. It might take time, we might be in a dilemma but we have to be firm and make decisions which we feel right and are helpful for our future.

There are many technical ways which may lead to a decision making like list of alternatives, risk in this decision, complexities or even interpersonal issues. It's good to count and take all these factors into consideration while making any decision but according to me these can't be the only deciding factors. Do what you feel is right for you and gives you happiness. There is not always guaranteed happiness, success and great future on paths which are hard or complex. The decision is not to choose the more or the less travelled path, on the contrary it's to choose the one which satisfies you the most and helps you to get a sound sleep. It's ok to be self praising and not self criticizing all the times. Being human we do commit mistakes don't be cautious of them but instead try not repeating them.

During our Childhood maximum of ours decisions are taken by our Parents. But the real problem starts when we grow up and reach at that age where we want to make our own decisions but sometimes we may not get support from our Parents and families. Despite of that we take and implement decisions of our choices. There's no problem if the decisions or choices which we make has a positive result but where one of our decision or choice has a consequence which is bad and negative here are many people who are ready to judge us and are waiting to say that 'I have warned you before that the decision which you are making is wrong. Now you have to only bear its unfavorable results.........' Your reply to those people should be that whatever are the results they are mine u don't have to worry for me. For any decisions u do not need any one's permission. You are your own boss in making your own life's decision. One should own up one's decision results no matter they are right or wrong......... Take your decisions, own them up, believe in them, if it doesn't work learn from them, take your own time to figure things out but don't regret any decision in which you truly believe. At every stage of life we learn something.

Doesn't matter the results or the consequences of our choices are good or bad but we must at least have the guts and start making the choices.  I feel that choices can never be bad they are always good it's the result or the consequences which are good or bad. I know that the result of the choices will be the decision factor of whether they are good or bad but when choices or decisions are made by an individual we always make it with good intentions and I feel that anything done with good intentions can never be bad it's always has to be good.

There are chances that a bad or negative consequence might drastically change your life but as we know each coin has 2 sides, there will be some positive aspect in each negative situation and vice- versa. It's upon us which side do we want to incorporate within us. There are also such Parents and families in our societies which do support their child in every form, I would just like to say them please keep supporting in every aspect of their life whatever the situation may come.

Many people take or make choices, decisions being emotional and not practical. I said above that we need to do whatever we feel right so a question might arise in your mind that what is wrong taking an emotional decision or an impulsive decision, we do what we feel right??

There is a very a thin fine line difference between taking decision emotionally and taking decision which comes from your heart. When you do what your heart says you are filed with joy and confidence and somewhere or the other assured that the results will be optimistic. But, when you take decisions out of emotional turmoil or outburst then you may regret it later when you actually regain your emotional strength. Decisions taken emotionally are not always fruitful.

I would like to say that be master of your decisions, do not fear to take them. If you firmly believe in your choices and have confidence that this is your choice and you want to go with it then you must go for it. Love your choices, respect them, own them no matter they turn out to be good or bad and there will be no regret even if they turn out to be not one of your best decisions because at least you tried to hold the grip of your life in your hands.

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CS Dhwani
(Company Secretary )
Category Students   Report

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