Kill that doubt

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 19 December 2016  

What's the difference between confusion and determination? What's the biggest hurdle to achievement?

"Doubt", isn't it? And how can we eliminate this doubt?

The answer to it is by "clarity of thoughts". In our student life or I would say in our daily lives, we face so many hurdles just because we are not clear of our thoughts.

Life becomes easy when we have that clarity of thoughts. We all plan, but planning with a doubt in mind won't succeed. If you are sure about your actions then result will follow.

You want to study a chapter, then, first of all have that faith in the book or notes that you are going to read. It will create that clarity. You want to do something, then first be clear about the process that needs to be followed. Be determined in your efforts.

When you fail in exams that killer "doubt" creeps in, which takes over that clarity with which you started this course. You hear all the negativity about yourself and that "doubt" starts to kill more.

The best way is to stay focused. Just be clear about why you started this course.

The problem may be in your way of studying but not in your goal. Do not adjust your goals according to what people say or after you encounter a failure.

When I started this year, my life was in shambles. I had left the job, I was hearing the taunts of people about my decision. Only good thing was that I was clear about my goal. It was simple "perform or perish", I knew failure was not the option. I had to succeed otherwise I would be finished. Whenever I didn't feel like studying or was having a bad day, I just remembered the reason that why I wanted to succeed. I didn't need the alarm clock to wake me. I didn't take any coaching, but amendments were provided to me by some kind soul without even asking for it. Everything fell into place when I believed in the decision I made. 

I owe my success to that clarity which I wanted to share with you. Nothing in this world is impossible if you are clear about what you are doing and that clarity comes from the belief in what you are doing. If you are reading a chapter from a book then put your faith in that book, Don't look into more books to understand that particular concept. It will create that clarity.

So kill that doubt, Start fresh, be clear about what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve. Just do it without any other thought.

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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