Final suggestions for May 2010 CA Exam

Ankur Garg , Last updated: 28 April 2010  

Dear Friends,


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for May 2010 CA Examinations along with very simple and easily observable final exam suggestions from my side for CA aspirants of May 2010 exams based on my own understanding. Sincerely hope that these suggestions would be off some help towards your final exam preparation.  


1.      Simply follow the balanced approach towards all subjects and don’t neglect any subject. Give appropriate time to all the subjects. Give some extra time to the subjects you are not very comfortable with from the exam point of view.


2.      Strictly follow your study plan along with time schedule as time management is that technique which is required to be followed till the accomplishment of your object. Understand the importance of time management in exam.


3.      Focus on revision. A good revision of what you have prepared for exams is really really essential and key to success. Simply follow a revision schedule which include all the important topics and frequently asked questions in the exam.


4.      Just remember 1 thing --- You know and remember everything you have prepared and do not think that you cannot recall or can’t do it. As per my suggestion stay away from all negative thoughts. Keep positive approach towards the exam.


5.      Do not think that everything has been messed up or kuch samajh nahi aa raha. Just chill along with study and keep yourself happy and full of confidence.


6.      Do not add any new book or notes at this final moment. Just stick to the books and notes--- selected earlier. Try and focus on conceptual understanding as cramming is not going to help you a long way.


7.      Keep interacting with your friends and family for all the positive energy. A healthy interaction is essential to recharge your mind after a long study session. Take a regular break after each study session.


8.      Do not search for any new advice or suggestion regarding your preparation at this point of time. Simply follow your own funda or style. You will 100% succeed.


9.       Try and understand the concepts regarding difficult topics and discuss them with your friends. A good discussion is a very good technique to recall a provision during exam time. So try it.


10. Believe in yourself and your honest efforts. This is something indispensible to succeed in professional exams. So just believe in yourself and attempt the exams with full confidence.



Understand ---- Knowledge is power !!!



All the Best and Just Believe in yourself.

            Ankur Garg

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Published by

Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
Category Students   Report

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