CA final not a tiger

Muruganandam S , Last updated: 24 June 2016  

This is NOT ABOUT EASY STEPS TO CLEAR YOUR EXAMS. If you are looking for it please ignore.

I planned to write this because, I get so many messages and mails from my friends who are preparing for CA Final examination for help as well as tips for preparation, I felt that this write-up will help each and everyone who are preparing for their final exams.

I always prefer the right approach rather than going through shortcuts.

If you think you can, then you are!

Here are some pre-requirements for Exam preparation:

1. Before starting with your preparation have a positive and energetic mind set that your going to clear your examination...Preparation helps you 20%, Your attitude defines the rest!

2. Be away from digital world for at least last two months of your preparation time, this will definitely help you to concentrate well during your preparation. I can understand this is going to be quite difficult for everyone, but it helps a lot.

3. First step of preparation select the right study material (which suits your style of preparation)... During this phase there will be lot of suggestions as well as confusion arises in selection of materials from market. I suggest you to read a chapter from Reference books which you prefer buying and be content that your are to able to understand the concepts well. This is the foundation stage of your preparation, you have to select your study materials well in advance because all these materials has to be compiled and revised before the exam day. On & Off changing the material as well as mindset during preparation will disrupt your preparation as a whole.

4. You can never skip Institute publications because there are many chances that some concepts & examples can be similarly asked in examination. So plan some time to go through the Institute publications as well.

5. Next Selection of Important Chapters while preparation. We can do this with the help of chart given in our institute publication Practice manual - Statement showing topic wise distribution of examination questions along with Marks. Based on this you start giving priorities such as A,B & C..categories. That is 60% in A category, 20% in B category balance 20% in C Category.

A - Very important Chapters to be covered first, thorough reading and understanding the concepts is advised, you can very well expect questions from these areas.

B- Important chapters, Start after A category.

C- Less Important, Rarely you can expect questions in this area but you can never skip, your just sorting out these topics to be done at the last stage of your preparation.

How to execute these steps to succeed?

Here we go:

a. Take a days time before starting with your preparation and start writing your Strengths and Weakness subject wise, Assess how this SWOT analysis affect your delivery during exam. Start reverse working from this analysis, make your weakness as strength & your strengths as success parameters.

b. Don't keep your yardstick too far, that is don't plan for 2 months or 3 months cut off for completion of the chapters. Short and sweet is better.

c. Plan your time wisely, your exams days will near soon.

d. First start with 3 days schedule for chapters or concepts to be covered and once in 15 days review checks. Next after 2 months plan for daily schedule and once in 7 days review checks.

e. Review check is a method where you are going to self-assess yourself on an exam-like situation. Take some questions and try to answer without seeing the solution.

f. While preparing make some markings in your material with different colors, so that this will help during your final revision. Markings such as (R- To revise, VI - Very Imp, R2 - Revise twice, QA - Question area, FR- Final Revision) you can use your own style to categorize.

g. While preparing, simultaneously plan for your final revision because, you have got 6 months preparation but you have only one day before the exams to revise everything i.e almost 14 hours or so. So take a note pad and list down the topics you need revision and the problems you need to practice on the day before exam. Start this step as soon as you complete your preparation once.

h. Make a point that you can always score well in Problem Papers, so daily concentrate for 4 hours for problem papers and then spend on other subjects. Average spend 8 to 10 hours of preparation. Avoid movies, parties & trips during weekends all these will distract your preparation.

i. Problem papers such as Financial Reporting, Strategic Financial Management & Advanced Management Accounting requires lot of practice and accuracy, so practice these subjects daily to keep in touch with the important concepts. You need Speed as well as Accuracy during exams to get the solutions rightPractice, Practice,Practice!

j. Before 15 days for your exams take print out of last 10 attempts question papers. This exercise will help your revision as well as it will be easy for you to adjust to those font size because all other texts in reference books and study materials are different from those with Question paper format.

k. Maintain a good health during preparation.

l. Your just one step away from your Success, Work hard to reach your goal!!

Good Luck for your exams!

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Published by

Muruganandam S
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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