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How to handle exam pressure?

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 23 October 2017  

As the last few days are left for the D day, most of my friends must be on the final leg of preparation, giving final touches to their work and some of you might be thinking that they are lagging behind the schedule. I have few words to say to them, just don't give up. Every hour, every chapter you study is going to add value to your preparation. It is only going to make you near to the target.

As in my previous articles, I have said that CA is not the whole life, it's just a part of life. Life is going to test you again and again even after it. Its not the learning that matters in CA course, it's about handling pressure, about overcoming setbacks, about that hope, that persistence hope, it about the mental toughness. Just appropriately manage the time that is left. Work as much as you can. When feel like quitting, just remember why you started.

There will be my friends who might be feeling blank. It happened with me too. Inspite of revising the syllabus I felt blank just few days before the exam. Then someone told me in simple words, "deemag mai nalka nhi hota", what's in your brain is going to remain in your brain. You just have to remain calm, gather yourself and try to recollect it. All stand equal before the question paper comes, it's about handling the exam pressure that makes the difference and it can only be done with a calm mind. There's a saying, "the more I practice, the luckier I get".

So practice as much as you can. You are near to your goal. Do your best, don't give up, remain calm and try hard. All the best!!

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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