Relevance of time table while preparation for exams

Rahul Sharma , Last updated: 18 January 2016  

This is my short article for the aspirants of CA- course.

One thing that should come in mind for a student before preparation should be about well designed time table.

TIME TABLE- A Weapon of a Student

The basic weapon for a comprehensive study is comprehensive and well designed study plan; so time table shall be the basic weapon for a student which helps him/her in achieving his/her goal.

TIME TABLE- A Global Positioning System (GPS)

Just like a GPS, a well designed time table (study plan) exhibits information related to current position of preparation, syllabus coverage; basic we can say it depicts where we are currently standing.

TIME TABLE- Road Map For Future Course of Action

Just like a map, it shows us the visible future course of action, objectives to be achieved, and pending goals for attaining. It also provides information like where in which subject we are lacking i.e. where the speed of learning is slow.

So here while concluding this short topic, I would like to advice all the aspirants to make a well diversified and comprehensive study plan and trust me this shall be very helpful during the preparation and exam times when you will final touch to your hard working preparation. Start from one-week plan and then build a master plan for the duration up till exam date no matter how you had preparing in the past.

Here also note that always take help of your seniors while plan a study plan because keeps remember in life A Senior Of Mine Have Good Experience  And Exposure Of Life Than Me.


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Rahul Sharma
(Self employed)
Category Students   Report

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