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The Stepping Stone to Success

Roohani Deshpande , Last updated: 29 March 2013  

In this failure-hating world, the idea of not being successful can be terrifying. After all, failure brings shame, disgrace and negativity – it is to be avoided at all costs.

A funny thing about life is that when you really fear something, it often becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I considered the possibility of experiencing failure for the first time in life when I was in IPCC, where the passing percentage is generally very less. Once this frightening thought crept into my mind, it stubbornly refused to leave – the more I thought about it, the harder it became to succeed. Sure enough, I failed.

Apart from being a fatal blow to my self-confidence, failure also brought many blessings in disguise; my experience with failure taught me more than success ever did. Failure offered me the opportunity to identify my weaknesses and overcome them. It enabled me to view everything in a positive light.

I was able to differentiate between the people who really believe in me and the ones who just pretend to. There were those who still stood by me and cheered me on, and there were those who judged me by my result. I realised that there were people who believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.

I learned that whatever happens is always for the best. Things fall apart only to make way for better things. Even in the worst of situations, there is always something to be grateful for. If I didn’t fail at that time, I wouldn’t have been able to get the result I later achieved. I recognised what was lacking in my strategy and make positive changes. Most importantly, I learned to pick myself up and try once again without losing faith in myself.

I recognised the power of my own thoughts. I create what I focus on. I learned to use this power to my advantage instead of letting it work against me. I shifted my focus towards the things that I want, instead of what I don’t want. I learned to be aware of my thought patterns, ensuring that I do not fall prey to self-defeating beliefs.

Finally, I realised that it’s okay to fail. It can happen to anyone. Life goes on and the world doesn’t come to an end! :) 

So if you have experienced failure in your life, don't let it discourage you from making your dreams come true. Sometimes, it is necessary to fail before you can succeed. Neither success nor failure is ever final. Don't give up and keep trying - victory will be yours! Failure will lead you to success as it is a great teacher - it is called the "stepping stone to success" for a reason.

Roohani Deshpande

CA-Final Student


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Roohani Deshpande
(Business Systems Analyst)
Category Students   Report

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