Exams are Over: Please Share Your Views

Ankur Garg , Last updated: 24 November 2010  

Hello Members,


As we all are aware that November 2010 exams are over….now the biggest question in front of us is what to do next…well I would advise you to do something constructive instead of completely wasting your time…So my suggestions goes as below:



1. First and foremost give some relaxation to your mind. I am sure you did well this time, so allow yourself to chill for a while now. Spend some quality time with your family and friends. Have a good time with them. Don’t consider this as waste of time coz you are preparing yourself for a huge battle. In short make a good time out of your vacation free yourself from the jail called Exams.


2. In free time analyse scanner and appraise yourself with the course length. Side by side prepare yourself for the amendments and latest topics.


3. Make your own strategy to deal with CA or other professional courses. Decide whether you are going for the coaching or self study for the preparation of your next group.


4. This is one of my favourite suggestion. Fully explore caclubindia for suggestion and reference book discussions. Caclub is full of these kinds of stuff.


5. Participation in Caclubindia


Also participate in caclubindia queries as this is the best way to open up your mind. Here you’ll find queries connected to your course and subject. You can really apply and judge your knowledge for the betterment of fellow students. You may also share your own experience regarding your journey during exam preparation. So what are you…start now.


6. Now you have ample time to your credit without any kind of pressure so you can easily do some research work about CA Final and prepare yourself for finals mentally.


You all are requested to share your thoughts regarding how to constructively utilize your time after exams.



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Published by

Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
Category Students   Report

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