Exams Articles

Cost of US CPA Exam

  Suhasini    11 January 2021 at 16:22

The US CPA certification is offered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). This is a highly qualified designation and in order to acquire this designation, a candidate needs to fulfil all the predefined educational and experience criteria.

CA Exams 2020 - 5 Quick Fixes

  N.Vimal Kumar Jain    20 November 2020 at 09:44

Giving the toughest exam in the middle of a pandemic is not easy. Herein, we are sharing some of the quick fixes for your exams that will benefit you in taking the exam in the right spirit.

FAQs by ICAI for May/November 2020 Examinations

  Suhasini    17 August 2020 at 11:47

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has released a list of Frequently Asked Question for CA May/November 2020 Exams.

ICSI FAQs on Merging of June 2020 with December 2020 CS Examination

  Suhasini    29 July 2020 at 10:25

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has released a list of frequently asked questions on merging of the June 2020 CS exams with November 2020 CS Exams.

ACCA leads the way by introducing Remote Invigilation Computer Based Exams!

  ACCA Shilpi Jain    29 July 2020 at 10:16

Surely, ACCA has been able to show us how to lead the front by accepting this challenge and making sure that at no points do student's suffer in their academic journey !

A Case for Cancellation of CA Exams, July 2020

  Malay.    27 June 2020 at 10:32

The CA exams of July 2020 are turning to be extremely dramatic and nerve wrecking. Initially the ICAI had given only 3 days to decide whether to opt out or not but then at midnight of third day, it extended such time by 7 days and then again by 3 days on 26th June.

Dear ICAI, We the students need answers

  Malay.    22 June 2020 at 10:51

Why ICAI,which is decades old institution, has not developed an official communication channel where grievances and issues of students are heard and redressed in timely and responsible manner?

CA Exams July 2020: Opt out scheme

  CA Aruna Priya    17 June 2020 at 09:23

If your exams are not in July 2020, I request you to kindly skip this, as this is specifically for the JULY 2020 exams.

Prioritizing exams during the peak of coronavirus pandemic

  Malay.    16 June 2020 at 09:51

So The ICAI has put out a notification giving an option to students to opt out of July 2020 exams.

ICAI and Professional Judgement

  Mehul Thacker    08 June 2020 at 10:07

CAI is a dynamic institution and I have nothing but respect for the people involved in decision making. But sir, I earnestly request you reconsider the decision and conduct examinations at a later point in time.