7 tips to make a good impression on a new job

Olivia Richard , Last updated: 05 June 2017  

The first few months in a new job are crucial to determining your reputation in the company. The actions you develop and the reactions you manifest will be minutely observed by your peers and especially by the bosses. Maintain an appropriate profile for each of your work is extremely important for your career because it will depend on your promotion or job references for a vacant position in another company. To take care of your reputation from day one, we give you the best tips from the CIO business portal, which will make a good impression on your new job.

1. Go prepared

Find out everything that is available to you on the Internet or through contacts about the position they assigned you, learn about the corporate culture of the site for which you will work and think about how your role there could affect the development of the company in small and large scale. Make sure you know the rules perfectly, as well as learn your mission and vision. All these actions must be done before attending the first day to feel more comfortable in the new environment and demonstrate that you are in tune with the rest. 

2. Get along with your classmates

Connect with the rest of the people who work with you from the first moment to manifest your will to establish good relationships. Participating in informal conversations will help you to enter the circle if you present yourself in the right way and offer some moderate data of your personal life, such as the place where you live, with whom, where you studied and other aspects that you are willing to share without exceeding in information. Ask questions to your colleagues to express your interest in them.

3. Learn about team functions

In a small company, you can quickly learn the role of everyone, but a larger company will require time. As much as you do not memorize the role of each person who works with you, it is important that you know how the different departments complement each other and what is the main purpose of each to think of your work as a network that can be nourished by your crosses. It is fundamental that you contextualize your position in a larger structure and that you are informed about the people you can turn to solve different types of problems. Get the best resume done by amazing Dissertation Writing Service

4. Work the trust of others

You will go through a time of sacrifice before gaining the confidence of your colleagues and fundamentally of your bosses. You'll have to arrive a few minutes early, stay until after hours and shorten your meal breaks for the first month. Working overtime at the beginning is essential to finish understanding your role while showing a willingness to learn. Assuming an extremely accomplished attitude can play against you, so overtime or other actions you develop to fit your new job should be measured.

5. Display your credibility

Assume the corresponding responsibilities during the team work and add a few in which you stand out and you can make solid contributions. Your colleagues will feel grateful for the arrangement, trusting in your actions. Avoid undertaking commitments that you cannot fulfill, or charge a part of the team with extra tasks because you want to try alternatives or experience a project side that was not discussed among all. Look for a way to be productive throughout the working day, setting small goals or collaborating with your colleagues to develop useful tasks.

6. Request an initial evaluation

When enough time has passed for you to feel comfortable with your role and the environmentask your employers or bosses to evaluate your performance to see if you are on the right track. Pay special attention to those actions that require adjustments, but also to the indications that you are acting as expected or better, for example, if you receive a compliment for a particular aspect of your work. Between three weeks and a month is a good time to apply for the evaluation, because you have not yet harvested bad habits for the corporate culture that you may be sowing without knowing it.

7. Control your ambition

To participate in the conversations, to contribute to projects, to intervene in discussions or to offer recommendations are duties that you will write in your agenda, as long as you do not exceed. Being ambitious in your new job is good because it manifests your willingness to excel and expand the company's projections, but remember that a new employee will never understand the company's policies and processes so quickly as to give their opinion constantly. You could achieve the opposite effect and hamper productivity, so just make the right interventions at the right time.

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Olivia Richard
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