I still took 9 attempts to pass

Rahul , Last updated: 17 August 2015  

Nameste & Hello my dear friends.

This is the first time I am writing anything on a public platform, so pardon me if my content is not interesting enough.

There are a lot of students who wish to be a Chartered Accountant and many of them fail, actually most of them fail often.

I want to share a few thoughts here with such failures.

Here I start.

Friends, I was never an "academically" intelligent student. Yes, I lay emphasis here to the word "academically".

I had more knowledge then most of the people I knew and I don't say this to sound arrogant. I knew things about international affairs, politics, current affairs, history, theology, literature, poetry...to cut it short..i was not dumb. People could always have interesting, thoughtful, intellectual discussions with me.

I still took 9 attempts to pass.

The reason I said all this above was that there are many students like me who possess knowledge  and who do have what it takes to be sort of successful..but they somehow are not able to pass the exams and after sometime they lose the hope and start regarding themselves as a failure and end up being depressed, sad and unhappy.

Friends, I understand that there are many amongst us who have to give up their dream of having the CA degree because of either financial constraints or because of family pressure or simple because they lose hope.

I somehow can understand the first two reasons as with them a person cant do much.

There are times when a person seriously needs to start earning or times when the family stops supporting after a few failures. In these cases actually not much can be done.

I could be a CA because I didn't have any of these two factors playing against me.

However the third reason I stated, losing hope...this is what I want to emphasize upon here.

Friends, only a few things come easy in life and losing hope is one of them.

I cant say that I never lost it, as I took so many attempts I myself started to doubt if I could be a CA. I even had fixed times when i used to be completely negative, each morning when I used to get up, I used to be full with negative thoughts and it used to take an effort to make myself get in the mood of studying..this thing happened for months together. It got even worse because I knew in myself that I was not a dumb or a stupid person and I could never understand why I could  not pass and there used to be times when I accepted it as a reality that I will never be able to pass. It got so worse that  I stopped interacting with relatives, hardly ever met any friend, stopped picking up the phone. I know that many others do the same, though its not a thing that I would recommend but I can understand the reasons why a person starts to cut himself socially.

Friends, my experience tells me that most of us study..actually..most even study hard. 

Its just that some times we don't study the right things, other times we don't study the right way, at times we start to study a bit late..rest other times we simply don't have  luck working for us.

I have had all the above experiences in my so many attempts of failing.

In my days of failure I used to ask myself that I cant be the onlyone who is not able to succeed.

To my surprise I found that many people whom we regard as greats today were actually termed as failures initially. 

Gandhi, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Amitabh Bachchan, Steven Spielberg, JK Rowling..all were dubbed as failures at the start.

As I said above, this is the first time I am using any public platform.. and I don't regard myself as a motivator..but i urge all of you people who don't have financial or family pressures no not to give up, at least don't give up till you have faith in yourself..even if you fail so many times as I did, still always remember that it needs only one lucky day and you wont be required to study these books again.

I am  an atheist..i have no faith in God..but I have faith in hard work..it often takes time but if you give all what you have and study with a plan and are serious enough..then there is absolutely no chance that you wont succeed. It is simply is a matter of time, some have it early, others a bit late.

Its August 16 today, about 2.5 months for the November Exams, though the time is not that much still you can clear the exams. Have faith in yourself, don't lose hope, actually what matters the most is how you study the last 2- 2.5 months and that is exactly the amount of time you have. If you doubt that you wont be able to pass both the groups, then go for one. Its always better to have a goal that is more achievable and it would make life much more each as passing any of the one group reduces the course by half. Don't do what your friends or relatives ask you, apply your brain. The fact is that advisors never have any risk. Its the person who is in the ring who has to manage the battle. Make your mind in the next 3-4 days and if you decide for single group then go for it. I still regret that I didn't do this and took atleast 2 years more as 8 papers always got a bit too much for me in the end.

Though its more of an individual thing, still if any one of you wants to try for single group, then I would suggest that you go for the second.

For those of you who have endured this article till now, I would want to give some suggestions regarding the books you can use, as at times many of us get confused in choosing the right content. However if any of you already have a decent book which you think you can rely upon, then go with your choice.

Financial Reporting-  PM, MP Vijay Kumar, Praveen Sharma, Padhuka.
Strategic Financial Management- PM, Sridhar, JB Gupta, Rishi Karnawat Notes.
Auditing- PM, Surbhi Bansal.
Law- Munish Bhandari.
Costing- PM, Tulsian, Sanjay Agarwal.
ISCA- Sumit Shankar Notes.
DT- Bangar.
IDT- Bangar.

I cant give a guarantee, but I am a 100% sure that if you follow the right method and if you use the books I recommended above..you will pass.

Atleast for ISCA, DT, IDT..i can commit with almost certainity that you will pass if you use the above writers.

In the end I want to say that if there are any parents who are reading this..I beg you to never lose faith in your child and please never ever make any unnecessary comment, don't ridicule your child, don't compare him/her with anyone else, shut the door for the relatives/neighbours who demotivate or have negative comments about your child or who show fake sympathy, don't get angry towards your child even if he/she has a bad mood, talk only non-academic things at the dinner table.

Just ensure that your child is studying..if he/she studies for 13-14 hours a day..there is nothing more that can be done.

Koshish bhi kar, ummed bhi rakh, raasta bhi chun.
uske baad thoda mukaddar talaash kar.

If anyone wants to ask anyquestion or just wants to have a word with me..please free to write in the comments.

Take Care.

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