Conversion from cpt to direct entry

harsha (Student Others) (22 Points)

08 September 2021  

Hello, I cleared Cpt jun2017. My ca intermediate attempt may 2018. Now, I cleared my bcom yet I couldn't qualify ca inter. Now, if I convert to direct entry, I don't need to do 9-month articles. and I can give my dec 2021 exam. till now, am I correct? if I'm correct,  I have 2 questions is, one is after clearing the group 1 in dec 2021. can I get 9 month exemption from articles from total  3 years of articles?  second question is, If I start my articleship now and I managed to clear group 1 in dec 2021, am I going to get 9months + additional 3months (sep,oct,nov-2021) exemption after clearing group 1?