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Software Development Costs - Pricing for industries

Ayush , Last updated: 23 February 2024  

How Much Software Development Cost in 2024

When the idea of needing a website or app comes up, the first question that usually arises is: "How much does it cost?". Unfortunately, we can't provide a quick answer to this question, because when planning the budget allocation for a software development project, it can be affected by factors such as scale, complexity, location, and type of collaboration. Ignoring these variables can lead to significant discrepancies between projected and actual costs, potentially affecting project timelines and outcomes.

For example, if you're dealing with a small project, you might need $20,000 or more. However, when you step into the realm of medium or large projects, like developing a widely-used app, costs can easily jump up to $300,000. These figures underscore the necessity of careful financial planning, tailored to the specific needs of each project, to ensure successful outcomes.

Software Development Costs - Pricing for industries

Project type influence

The diversity of projects and their impact on development costs cannot be underestimated, as each industry has its unique requirements and peculiarities. To better understand the cost of development, let's take a look at the three most popular industries and focus on the influence of each of these industries on development pricing.


Entrepreneurs globally are increasingly drawn to SaaS companies, attracted by their promise of steady revenue streams and easier scalability. Additionally, once a solid user base is established, SaaS ventures often command higher valuations than traditional counterparts, owing to their reliable recurring revenue and healthy profit margins. SaaS development cost, particularly the initial investment required to build a basic startup version, typically ranges from $60,000 to $150,000. This financial spectrum is influenced by factors such as project complexity, team composition, and specific product characteristics under development.



More than 91% of leading companies regularly invest in AI, demonstrating the widespread recognition of its potential benefits and competitive advantages. However, it should be borne in mind that AI development entails different costs depending on the nature and scale of the project. Here is a breakdown of typical costs:

  • Custom Solutions: $10,000 - $300,000
  • Prototype Development: from $25,000
  • Software Costs: $30,000 - $50,000
  • Maintenance: annual cost from $60,000


Ready-made solutions like Shopify offer affordability, typically priced at $1,000 or less. However, businesses aiming for tailored features and branding must consider custom development, which can range from $10,000 to $250,000. The choice you make and the resulting expenses tied to developing an eCommerce website, heavily rely on whether you're launching a small online store, a medium-sized business, or an enterprise.

Project complexity

The impact of project complexity on the cost of developing a SaaS product lies in increased resource and time requirements for its completion. Complex projects often demand specialized expertise and more intricate testing, leading to higher hiring and debugging costs. They may also entail greater risks and unexpected situations, necessitating additional expenditures for resolution. Thus, understanding project complexity helps realistically assess its costs and efficiently allocate resources for successful development.

Software development cooperation models

  • Outsource

When engaging external providers, you're paying solely for the work done, which helps reduce expenses on salaries, insurance, and infrastructure. The expense could fluctuate based on the provider's service rates and the project's extent. To illustrate, contracting 5 developers through outsourcing could result in a total cost of $12,500.

  • In-house

Operating in-house involves establishing a dedicated team of developers. You incur expenses for salaries, insurance, office rent, and infrastructure. Additionally, this approach may require additional expenditures on staff training and equipment. For example, hiring 5 in-house or onshore developers in the USA would total $48,000.

  • Offshore

Working with offshore companies can be advantageous due to lower labor rates, but it requires managing communication differences, quality risks, and remote teams. However, salary expenses and infrastructure costs may be significantly lower compared to in-house development. The price of offshore developers can vary significantly depending on the country, but in general, it can be the cheapest option among the above.


Development team structure

Software development costs are primarily influenced by the size and expertise of your team, as these factors dictate the speed, efficiency, and quality of the development process. Building a proficient and reliable team can help minimize expenses associated with frequent recruitment.

A core development team usually includes essential roles like Project Manager, Business Analyst, Solution Architect, UI/UX designers, Developers, QA team, DevOps engineers, and Team Leads. Each member contributes distinct skills to various stages of development, from requirement analysis to coding, testing, and ensuring efficient team coordination.

Company GEO, size, and focus

  • Company Size

Smaller and newer companies often offer services at lower rates due to reduced overhead costs. Larger companies may have more resources and experts but also higher expenses.

  • Industry Experience

Companies with experience in your field can better understand your needs and adapt quickly to your requirements. They may offer valuable insights and optimize development, potentially reducing project costs.

  • Location

A company's location can impact development costs. Companies in high-wage countries like the US or Western Europe typically have higher rates compared to those in lower-wage markets like India or Ukraine.






$15-$25/per hour

$25-$40/per hour

$35-$60/per hour


$13-$25/per hour

$25-$28/per hour

$45-$55/per hour


$14-$28/per hour

$28-$55/per hour

$55-$97/per hour


$13-$20/per hour

$20-$22/per hour

$45-$55/per hour


$13-$24/per hour

$24-$40/per hour

$32-$48/per hour


To wrap it up, handling software development expenses effectively demands a thorough approach, taking into account a range of factors like project intricacy, team setup, industry know-how, and location specifics. By carefully weighing these aspects and employing adaptable budgeting tactics, businesses can streamline resource allocation and bolster the prospects of project triumph.


This method not only ensures savvy cost management but also contributes to the overall triumph and sustainability of software development endeavors. To conclude, we've gathered information and presented it in a concise table, illustrating the initial development costs of prominent projects:


Initial Development Cost







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