Income Tax Judgements

The ITAT, New Delhi in ACIT v. Surya Global Steel Tubes Ltd[ITA No. 4778/Del/2016 dated May 09, 2023] has held that no income tax additions can be made when source of investment made against the share capital/ premium/ warrants, stands explained, as

Posted in Income Tax |   342 Views

The jewellery seized of Rs.16,77,363/- is intra polated in the jewellery found of Rs.43,17 ,442/-. Hence, keeping in view the entire disclosed jewellery as per the WTR and as found in the premises, we hold that no addition can be made on this account

Posted in Income Tax |   383 Views

The Supreme Court has set aside the Rajasthan High Court's order of allowing the loss claimed by assessee on account of confiscation of silver bars by the Customs department, as 'business loss' under Section 37(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The ass

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The Supreme Court has held that in a case of negligence committed by Doctor, the Insurance Company which covered the Doctor would have to reimburse the compensation to the complainant to the extent of its liability under the Insurance Policy as, agai

Posted in Income Tax |   549 Views

THE ITAT held that additions cannot be made only on the basis of declaration made under section 132(4) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 without any corroborating evidence to prove the addition.

Posted in Income Tax |   957 Views

When the addition is on estimated basis, penalty u/s. 271(1)(c) of the Act cannot be levied on such ad hoc estimated income. The disallowance of purchases on ad-hoc basis does not tantamount to furnishing inaccurate particulars of income under the pr

Posted in Income Tax |   613 Views

The appeal is allowed on the finding that no evidence has come forward to show that the company had made a public offer other than these 49 persons. Once allotment is made to less than fifty allottees by way of private allotment the first proviso to

Posted in Income Tax |   219 Views

The ITAT, Chennai in R. Muthukumar v. Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax [ITA No.: 3090/Chny/2019 dated February 15, 2023 has upheld the findings of the Appellate Authority and held that, there is no error in the reasons given by the Appellate Authori

Posted in Income Tax |   389 Views

The ITAT, New Delhi in Reverse Age Health Services Pte Ltd v. DCIT [ITA No.1867Del/2022 dated February 17, 2023] has directed the Revenue Department to delete the disallowance of Short Term Capital Gains ("STCG") and allow the benefit of the provisio

Posted in Income Tax |   290 Views

The ITAT, Pune in Pride and Expert Properties Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT [ITA No.860/PUN/2022 dated February 14, 2023] has held that the order passed by the Appellate Authority, confirming the view of the Revenue Department is not justified on the grounds tha

Posted in Income Tax |   256 Views