for VAT Refund? Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, Sales Tax Department has issued the circular of granting of VAT Refund within 45 days, what is it?Krishna (Fictional Character): Arjuna, MVAT
In an era of zealous consumers wanting everything at the drop of a hat, we see a number of new start-ups mushrooming everyday with their unique and ingenuous ideas. We recently met the founderts of one such start-up (�Company�) that made
Introduction: In order to curb tax evasion of selected notified commodities which are brought into the State and sold without
Vat is a one of the indirect tax in our India. It is simple and transparent system with limited scope of department control due to the self assessment made by dealers and less scope for tax evasion due to strict penal p
A dealer can stock transfer the goods from his one place of business to another place of business and this transaction is not taxable under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956. The goods transferred to another place of business for sale may be treated as
Business includes:-Section 6(a) any trade, commerce, manufacture or any adventure or concern in the nature of trade, commerce or manufacture, whether or not such trade, commerce, manufacture, adventure or concern is carried on in furtherance of gain
Value Added Tax � Method of AccountingS. �Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever� says this Value added tax system amidst the chaos of Goods and Services Tax. This system of VAT was introduced in TamilN
Introduction The White Paper is a policy document indicating basic policies of State Sales Tax VAT. Haryana was the only State to introduce VAT w.e.f. 1-4-2003. About 21 States have introduced VAT (though in diluted form) w.e.f. 1-4-2005. These inclu
A lot of queries comes to mind when one thinks about taking registration under Gujarat VAT and CST Laws. Some of the queries and their answers are published as follows for the benefits of the readers: What is VAT / CST / TIN / Sales Tax ? Answer: VAT
Delhi Government introduced the Delhi Value Added Tax (Third Amendment) Bill 2015 in the Delhi Legislative Assembly on 4th December 2015 and passed it on the same day. 1. SHORT TITLE, EXTENT AND COMMENCEMENT.(i) This Act may be called the Delhi Value
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies